Saturday, November 14, 2009

How should I cut/style my hair?

Its a dilema!! I've got almost medium length dark hair. Its straight no curls nothing. Right now my hair isn't doing anything for friends tell me I look like the Beetles O.o others tell me I look like harry potter (which is kind of an insult to me, dont ask y)

Anyways my hair is straight from the sides, back and front, and its bulky. I've been to salons and no one has been able to cut my hair properly....after a few weeks from a cut i get a mushroom head....i'm looking for something thats easy to manage and preferably that doesn't need much hair products, i barely have time in the mornings to do my hair before university and i stay there for about 100hours per week

How should I cut/style my hair?

ok, first off, you need to get rid of the length. I know that may be tough, but, it is not a good look for you. Why don't you try a surfer style, but with out the length. You need your stylist to cut it into layers and get rid of the bulk at the ends. Then have them use the razor and put alot of texture into it. Then you will rather youlike it or not, have to use wax or gel to get it to not mushroom out. BUT, most important, get rid of the length!!! Keep the sideburns though

Good LUck

How should I cut/style my hair?

Try an Umbrella Cut: a bowl cut with deckle edges.

How should I cut/style my hair?

hey, have you ever thought about getting a short clipper cut- one grade all over easy to look after and easy to care 4 i had hair the same as you and wanted the same so my mate gave me a grade 2 all over and i find it great

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